Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Make Believe Rooms

I hate them. Make Believe rooms are the rooms they book when they just book a room but not a room type.

I had a guest come in last night with two booked, but had in the traces that he wanted both rooms to be smoking. We only have a handful of smoking rooms, and we keep those for our regulars that smoke.

He was getting pissy with us that he wanted smoking and he put that in his comments when he made the reservations. I had to tell him over and over again that he didn't book a smoking room, and we don't have any smoking rooms to give him. Then he tells me, "What are comments good for then?" Well if there had been a smoking room available when you made the reservation then you could have booked a smoking room.

He goes on to argue that he made the reservation last week and blah blah blah. Well our smoking rooms are booked every week by our regular guest tough luck.

A few hours later the guy he was with calls me and starts saying he can smell chlorine in his room from the YMCA. We have a small YMCA attached to our building. They don't have a pool or anything else that uses chlorine. I just walked past the area not even a minute before he is whining about this. I didn't smell a thing. His room isn't even attached to the YMCA just next too it and it is the Racket Ball room next to that outside wall.

We will be changing his address in the system so he can't send in a bad survey.

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